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5 Simple Tips for Great Exterior Photos with Warehouse ’71

There’s no denying that posting gorgeous “after” photos on social media is part of the fun in any makeover. Sharing your hard work and beautified outdoor space with your friends and family just feels good. But sometimes those photos don’t really do your project justice.  Warehouse ’71 is here to help get those great insta-worthy shots!


If you’ve ever wished you could take better photos outdoors, we have you covered. Here are a few tips for taking sizzling social media photos of your outdoor project.

Icon of sun behind clouds - Warehouse ‘71

1. Choose Soft Light

Everyone loves a sunny day, but avoid bright, direct sunlight for an exterior photo. Cloudy days, morning, and sunset are good options for an outdoor photo.

Icon of person with sun at their back - Warehouse ‘71

2. Put the Sun at Your Back

No matter what time of day you choose, take the photo in a direction where the sun is at your back. This will help avoid harsh shadows and will give the best lighting for your photo.

Rule of Thirds Icon with mountains with intersecting lines - Warehouse ‘71

3. Use the Rule of Thirds

For the best shot, frame your photo using the rule of thirds. This rule divides the photo in nine equal quadrants. It says to position your focal point at an intersection of a horizontal and vertical line.

Does a grid seem hard to imagine? Luckily, your phone has a grid overlay option in the settings. Turn it on, and away you go!

Icon with horizontal and vertical rectangles - Warehouse ‘71

4. Shoot Horizontally & Vertically

No matter what time of day you choose, take the photo in a direction where the sun is at your back. This will help avoid harsh shadows and will give the best lighting for your photo.

Icon with a video play button - Warehouse ‘71

5. Try Screenshots from Video

No matter what time of day you choose, take the photo in a direction where the sun is at your back. This will help avoid harsh shadows and will give the best lighting for your photo.

Now, for the “before” shot, just ignore all of this advice and embrace the “bad.” Your “after” photo will be all the more stunning.

We can’t wait to see what you do! Tag @warehouse71diy when you post your photos, and we could share them to inspire others!

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