455 Sullivan Ave. South Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 528-0495

Mon. - Fri. 9am-4:30pm ET

Windsor ONE 1 in. x 10 in. x 16 ft. S1S2E Protected Boards

Actual Dimension - 3/4 in. x 9 1/4 in. x 16 ft.
In stock: 141 available
Windsor ONE 1 in. x 10 in. x 16 ft. S1S2E Protected Boards


Boards are made of real wood, finger jointed and coated with three coats of acrylic latex primer. All boards are protected with a 30 year warranty against rot, insects & mold. WindsorONE Protected Boards can be used for both interior and exterior use. The back of all WindsorONE Protected boards contain an ink stamp (“WindsorONE Protected”) to be easily identified.

Product Features

  • Manufactured in the USA
  • S1S2E: Reversible, rough-sawn on one side, smooth on others with eased edges.
  • Refer to the installation guide for additional information
  • 30 year manufacturer warranty against rot, insects and mold

Product Specs

Brand Windsor One
Collection S1S2E Protected
Material Type Primed Finger-Jointed Radiata Pine
Texture Reversible
Pack Size 1 Board
Nominal Dimensions 1 in. x 10 in. x 16 ft.
Actual Dimensions 3/4 in. x 9 1/4 in. x 16 ft.
Documentation & Installation Guides

Windsor ONE Product inquiry

Fade & Stain Warranty 30 Year Limited Lifetime Warranty
Warranty Support

Windsor One Warranty Page