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Expert Tips: Winter Weather Deck Preparation and Care

Winter is upon us! Now’s the time to break out the sweaters, get furnaces in good working order, and buy provisions like salt and shovels to prepare for battle! Does part of your winter preparation plan include your deck? It’s one of the largest investments outside your home so it should!

A home and deck in the winter with snow

Winter weather deck preparation and care differs based on the type of material a deck is constructed with. Composite decking such as TimberTech® and Deckorators® that Warehouse ’71 offers, have moisture-resistant technology making them durable and long-lasting, season to season. Wood decks require extra maintenance because they are more susceptible to weather and decomposition.

Warehouse ’71’s resident deck expert, Chris, has put some tips together to get your deck prepared for winter weather! Read on to see the difference in maintenance required between composite and wood decking!

Composite Deck Winter Weather Preparations & Care Tips

Step 1)

Sweep off dirt and debris. Leaves, dirt and debris can trap moisture.

Step 2)

Composite decking can withstand snow but if you choose to remove it, use a plastic shovel or stiff bristled broom. Metal shovels or ones with metal edges can damage the surface of any deck board material, leading to scratches in the finish.

Step 3)

To keep a composite deck clear of ice, use only calcium chloride products. Traditional salt-based melts can grind into the deck surface causing scratches in the finish. Calcium chloride melts won’t scratch but may leave residue. Warm water and a non-bleach dish soap can remove them.  For more stubborn spots use alcohol wipes.

Snow and Ice on composite decking

Wood Deck Winter Weather Preparation and Care Tips

Step 1)

Sweep off dirt and debris, especially leaves that trap moisture.

Step 2)

Get rid of clutter including planters, patio furniture, etc., to prevent moisture seeping into the wood.

Step 3)

Inspect your deck with a flat head screwdriver checking for weak spots moisture may have created. Also look for loose, cracked, or split boards, peeling paint, mildew, or mold growth.

Wood Deck with Rot and chipping

Step 4)

Remove any mildew with three quarts of hot water, six ounces of powdered organic oxygen bleach, and ¼ cup of ammonia-free liquid dish detergent. Stir the powdered oxygen bleach until it dissolves.

Step 5)

Don’t let snow and ice pile up on the deck. Remove with a plastic shovel, stiff-bristled broom, or leaf blower. Do not use a metal shovel or one with metal edges as they cause damage to the surface of deck boards or to the stains and sealers where moisture can seep into causing further damage.

Removing snow with a plastic shovel

Step 6)

Consider using a tarp. This prevents snow from piling up on the deck surface which may cause it to warp or shrink. The downside is the deck won’t be usable while it’s covered. Tarps can also trap moisture, remove as soon as there is no more chance of snow or ice.

While wood decks seem like a more affordable option, long term costs are higher due to frequent repairs and annual staining and sealing.  A composite deck investment pays off over time due to the time savings from minimal maintenance and long-lasting durability. It stays looking as pristine and stunning as ever with little care.

If this article has you considering a switch to a composite deck, check out the Warehouse ’71 online store. Or call our Product Experts for help planning your project – (860) 528-0495.

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About Warehouse ’71

Warehouse ’71 is like your personal warehouse of building materials for DIYers and home remodelers! We offer premium decking, railing, siding and more for 20%-40% off big box store pricing. Our inventory consists of recently discontinued colors, product lines, and overstocked materials that carry full manufacturer warranties from premium brands like TimberTech®, AZEK® Exteriors, Deckorators®, Diamond Kote® and more. Products are available for same-day pickup or delivery. Warehouse ’71 only sells material from brands you can trust, and our experts can help you find a product without breaking your budget!

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